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is a huge biological puzzle. It refers not only to all species on the planet. But also the space they inhabit. On land, on and under water. In particular, it is about the closely interwoven network of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and their interactions. 

This network provides us humans with almost everything we need: clean air and water, food, raw materials. Biodiversity forms the basis for us humans to function. That we are well, that our economy can function. The more diversity, the more variety, the more resilient the ecosystems themselves are. 

In Europe, 81% of life on land and in water is currently in a poor state. 

This month, the EU Parliament passed the Nature Restoration Law. According to the regulation, at least 20 per cent of the continent’s land and sea areas must be restored, i.e. renaturalised, by 2030. In simple terms, this means that we humans, politicians and businesses are responsible for ensuring that the productive diversity lost through industrial cultivation, drainage, littering and toxic substances – such as pesticides – is renewed across the board. 

This is de facto about restoring our livelihoods.

Science clearly states that protective measures are overdue. Exploitation and intensive utilisation are causing enormous damage. 69% of the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and 80% of all insects have completely disappeared in the last 50 years. The area of „true wilderness“ is now just under 2.9% of the planet. It used to be a multiple of that. Science calls all of this the „sixth mass extinction“ – the sixth mass extinction in the history of the planet. 

Ecosystems filter our water. Coastal wetlands in turn, with salt marshes, mangroves and seagrass meadows, bind around half of the carbon contained in the sediments of the oceans. Bees and other endangered insects do a crucial job: the production of over 75% of the world’s food depends on pollination. 90% of all wild plants on earth also depend on them.

The EU’s Green Deal, the path to a climate-neutral and competitive economy by 2050, will not work without the Nature Restoration Law. It is embedded in global goals: in 2022, heads of state and government signed the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Thanks to this declaration of intent, 30% of the world’s land and water should be protected by 2030 and 30% of the world’s ecosystems should be restored. The GBF is considered to be of similar importance to the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015.

Companies protecting and renewing biodiversity is a real investment – with considerable returns

Studies show: Every Euro invested in systemic restoration produces an ecological added value of 8€. And all these measures would also have a positive impact on disaster prevention, climate protection – and our health.  

Proactive entrepreneurial measures towards a functioning circular economy, effective waste management and the avoidance of environmental, air and soil pollution are also important for this reason. They can take effect more quickly – and send motivating signals to the surrounding economy and politics. 

Even if it remains difficult to effectively measure eco-services and distribute price tags due to the small-scale interplay, acting to preserve and restore biodiversity is politically indispensable and economically crucial. And the world will look a lot nicer. Measurement tools are now available, thanks to innovative start-ups such as Nala

This content is taken and inspired by the „Mission Value“ newsletter from March 15, 2024. 
success is a question of diversity