Speed & Scale- We Need Everybody
John Doerr’s book „speed & scale“ is an action plan for solving our climate crisis now. I’ve written about it already, and you can read that story HERE.
I understand John’s focus on leaders, they are needed for speed & scale. Still I think that his book is for EVERYBODY.
I was easily convinced that we can save the world. My experience is that too many people are not convinced that we will win this fight and they need motivation and success stories in order to change their mindset from resignation to action. My version of his slogan is:
And as I am a marketing person I turned it into a nice visual.
After finishing John’s book, I will continue with https://speedandscale.com/, more resources and people from the book who inspired me.
I am a solutionist, and that is exactly what we need to save the world. My goal is a sustainable world where diversity is celebrated- and that applies to everything: people, nature and solutions. I will keep pushing people’s minds, supporting them from resignation to action. The time is now and there is no alternative, well, there is space but I don’t know if and how we should consider that as an option 😉
Watch this 16 minutes video from John that is very worth watching.